Friday, August 31, 2012

Puppet magnets..

These are cute animal puppets my daughter and my nephew made with me using tongue depressors, paint and some felt..
they really enjoyed making and playing with them..

Thursday, August 30, 2012

2nd Birthday party at my daughter's nursery..

 I liked the first cake so much that i made a second cake similar to the first one for my daughter's birthday party at her nursery.. but i added books, apples, rulers, color pencils and scissors to transform it into a more school themed cake rather than just art...
 cup cakes.... again with pencil or crayons..
individually packed the cupcakes in their cases to give out to the kids in her class, her teachers and other play school staff.. 

Artsy party

This years theme was ART party..
was fun to prepare for it as well as the party itself..
 These are the party favors.. put neatly inside crayon-shaped gift bags..
 We gave art aprons to the older kids 2-years and above and personalized bags to younger infants..
and novelty shaped homemade crayons..
 These are the side walk chalks we made... sadly i don't have a photo after removing the paper tube..
 Pinata in which rather than beating it up u just put your finger inside to recieve your gift :)
 finger painting.. these are actually edible. and the taste rather well... will be posting the recipe for these finger paints as well..
 The crayons we made using chocolate plastic molds..
melting crayons and pouring it in the molds was really fun and satisfying..
 No party is complete without party hats and party blowers right?!!
finally the party cake... was pleased with the result.. 100% edible.. paint tubes, brushes, palette, crayons, pencils, and even the name plaques are all food coloring and fondant..

Sponge Bob party

 Sponge Bob Pinata....
 Unfinished sponge bob cake..
Finished cake...