Thursday, September 6, 2012


I finally finished this big project i was working on.... :)
A playhouse fro my daughter.. she was telling me since quite some time now that she wanted a house..
she says that bring some fabric and do some stitch stitch and make... ok!! kids think everything is so easy right?!!
anyways i finished it today after around 12 days of working on this...
will be giving it to her tom cant wait for her reaction...
 I made a rolling door.. which can be closed like this... if she wants to hide inside or something :)
Pot of tulips with removable tulips obviously... made of felt and pipe cleaners.. was a bit reluctant to use pipe cleaners for this but it turned out great..
 MAIL BOX... with blue and purple mails inside... the lid stays shut with Velcro...

 this side has a window, with curtains, and hanging watering can..
 which can be removed like this so she can give water to her plants and flowers...
 This side of the house is the most interesting... with an apple tree, which can be removed and put in the basket..
 And a vegetable garden..
 with Felt Vegetables.. 3 carrots, 2 potatoes and 1 lettuce.. which are inside the soil pockets..
And now they are out...

Cant wait to give her tomorrow..
Any comments are welcome...


  1. Z bhen... everything looks great but i think you outdid yourself with the doll house. it looks FANTABULOUS!!!! I wouldn't mind going in and playing with fatema myself!

  2. Thank u :) most welcome to come and play with her :)

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